Bevan's Bubble

Stories from my Uber days


I drive Uber. I meet all kinds of people. Mostly good. Some bad. On this page I will post stories and thoughts from my Uber driving days. Have fun reading.

The Dumb and The Lazy

I once picked up a woman at Abercrombie Street near Central Park.

It took me about 10 minutes to go around the block and find her - good thing I knew the shortcuts too otherwise it would have been even longer.

She took in a "No Stopping" zone expecting me to drive up to her and pick her up. I told her to come to me.

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The Kid with Good Manners

Last Friday morning I drove to pick up "Jimmy".

Jimmy turned out to be a student. His bus never came so he was running late for school. There was another school kid there and when Jimmy was about to get in the car, he asked Jimmy if he could come too. Jimmy said ok.

During the short trip, I found out that they just go to the same school, but not related. They were from China but from different cities.

It was obvious the kid never took Uber. He sat, fascinated, in the back seat.

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