Bevan's Bubble

Stories from my Uber days


I drive Uber. I meet all kinds of people. Mostly good. Some bad. On this page I will post stories and thoughts from my Uber driving days. Have fun reading.

A Romantic Story...Worthy of a Movie

I drove James to the airport yesterday. He got into the car with 2 fully packed duffle bags.

As he was going to the airport, the most natural conversation opener is "where are you going?"

He chuckled a little and said "Helsinki".

Note the date of this post. It's January. The temperature yesterday was 25 degrees Celsius.

James: "Helsinki is minus 15 at the moment".

Me: "What are you doing going to Helsinki?" (I assumed he was going there for business - hence travelling light and going to Finland in the middle of winter.)

James: "To meet a girl." He chuckled again.

Me: "I hope she's worth it!"

James: "I hope so too!"

We both had a good laugh.

Me: "I hope it works's gonna be one hell of a story to tell your kids!"

James: "Even if it doesn't work out, it's still one hell of a story."

Me: "Yes but perhaps told sheepishly."

So here's the story:

James met this lady, who was in Sydney for a holiday, on the last weekend of her stay. Apparently it was love at first sight so much so that she cancelled her flight back to Finland and stayed an extra week!

James: "We even had to enlist the help of a doctor friend to write a medical certificate for her to explain to her employer why she couldn't go back to work that week."

Me: "Well, after all that sacrifice she's made, it's only fair you go fly over to see her."

James is flying 30-hours, door-to-door, from Sydney to Helsinki to meet the woman of his dream.

Whilst in Australia, she even accompanied him to Adelaide to attend a friend's wedding.

I said if the story were to be made into a movie, I know a nice church near Watson's Bay we could use to be the church (without going all the way to South Australia).

James: "You've got it all worked out, haven't you? Great, I'll hire you as the location manager."

Me: "If you need a director, I'm your man."

As we approach the airport, I said "James, you've got 30 hours to kill. Start writing your screenplay."

We had a great conversation throughout the trip.

When we reached the terminal, he offered his hand: "Thanks for the ride. It was great talking to you."

I said "Have a safe trip. Hope it all works out for you."

As he was about to close the door, I said "You know what?"

I handed him my card: "Please do let me know how it ends, will you?"

He took my card and said "I'll send you updates."

I sincerely hope it works out because I think it's so romantic to meet someone special while on holidays and the guy is crazy enough to fly half way around the world to see if there's a future for the two of them

Good luck, James!

double hearts

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