Bevan's Bubble

Stories from my Uber days


I drive Uber. I meet all kinds of people. Mostly good. Some bad. On this page I will post stories and thoughts from my Uber driving days. Have fun reading.

Giving older people Uber rides

From time to time, I pick up older folks.

For example, yesterday, when I was on my way to pick up a rider, I received the following text:

"Hi Bevan. You are picking up my mother who is a big(sic) old and frail. Could you please give her a hand into the car. Many thanks. Grant"

When I reached the pick up location, I saw that it was a house with the garage on the ground and the main door on one level above, so unless you're coming out of the garage, you'd have to come down a flight of steps.

Grant's mother slowly came down the steps while I waited for her at the bottom of the steps.

When she reached "ground floor", I offered my arm for her to hold on to, so that I could walk her to my car.

She took it and we walked around to the passenger side.

I opened the back seat door but she said "May I sit up the front?"

I said "Of course you may! Thank you very much!"

It's so nice to have older folks sitting up front with you, rather than treating you like a chauffeur.

We chatted while I drove her to her destination. I told her that her son had texted me to look after her.

She said "Oh he's always telling people that. He's so kind and caring."

I said "So he should! He's your son! It's his duty."

She was going to a bridge game. When I said I can't play bridge, she said "It's not your time yet. When it's your time, you'll know."

So I guess some time in the future, I'll like playing bridge.

We reached the destination soon enough and I asked if she'd like me to walk her to the entrance of the community centre.

She said she'd be fine and thanked me. I said she was most welcome.

I texted her son and said: "One mum delivered safely."

He said "Thanks so much."

I said "You're welcome. She's a very lovely lady. Glad to be of help."

It wasn't a long trip, but it was a very pleasant and enjoyable trip.

It really is a pleasure giving these older folks a ride.

This is the part of Uber driving I like.

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