Bevan's Bubble

Stories from my Uber days


I drive Uber. I meet all kinds of people. Mostly good. Some bad. On this page I will post stories and thoughts from my Uber driving days. Have fun reading.

The Lady with a Sick Father

The people I meet while driving Uber are, say 90% of the time, polite.

60% of the time, it's fun - because the riders I had were engaging and fun.

40% of the time, it's just boring - because these people are boring, anti-social or down right have no manners.

Quite a number of them are women. Maybe they think male drivers automatically want to hit on them?

I picked up this lady from Royal North Shore Hospital. She was going to Manly. (About a 30-minute drive)

She got in the car, I asked "How are you?" and she answered "Good, thanks."


Uh oh, here we go again. It's going to be a long ride.

But being the hospital, I asked one more question: "Is everything ok?"

She said "It's my dad. He's got cancer. End stage."

And with that, we talked.

I shared with her how I lost my dad. I think we found comfort in sharing the sad part of our lives: hers was about to happen while I re-lived mine, still hurts even after all these years.

We spoke about quite a few things, even managed to make her laugh from time to time.

The ride to Manly didn't take that long.

She got out of the car, I said again that I was very sorry to hear about the situation with her dad. I said I hope she gets to spend as much time as she can with her dad.

And then she was gone. Our paths very unlikely to cross again.

I don't know if she gave me a 5-star rating but I felt, for the lack of a better word, "good" that I made her laugh during our ride, which made her forget her sadness for a brief while.

It's fun driving Uber. Mostly fun, not so fun at other times, but some times it's just sad.

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