The Eastern Suburbs is a Black Hole
Driving in Eastern Suburbs is like driving into a black hole - once you get in, you don't get out!
I'm convinced the people in Eastern Suburbs don't get out of there very often - they all work in the city and that's about as far as they'd go to.
Once I drive into Eastern Suburbs, I spend a lot of time driving up and down New South Head Road, picking up and dropping people off "just down the road".
One time I picked up 2 women on a Friday afternoon - had to wait for them to risk their lives crossing New South Head Road to get to me because they all seem to want to picked up from New South Head Road.
They said they were going to Paddington - I let out a hooray! They thought I was upset!
I said I was very happy because I finally had a fare LEAVING the Eastern Suburbs!
The most unusual one was one Sunday I picked up a guy at Rushcutters Bay. He said he was going to Cremorne! I had to double check that he was actually not only going out of the Eastern Suburbs but actually crossing the Bridge to the other side!
He confirmed that he was sane and was in fact crossing the Bridge. He was attending his assistant's baby birthday party and the only reason he went - he couldn't get out of it.
Now when I drive into the Eastern Suburbs, unless I'm desperate, I usually go offline from the Uber app and get out of the black hole before going online again.
Find out why the Eastern Suburbs is like a black hole.
— Bevan Ting (@BevanTing) May 8, 2016