Bevan's Bubble

My pet peeves about...


Proper instructions...

So here I am, converted my personal website from old to new format, very swish, very polished and feeling good...when I decided to get with the social media program (i.e. get with the program).

I have a blog which I write once a year to my family and friends.

So I went to Twitter's website and found the instructions to add Twitter buttons, one to follow me, one to tweet the particular blog page. So far so good.

Then I went to Facebook's website and found the instructions to Like and Share the...

Wait a minute, I need to type in the URL, and with blogs, the URL changes with each blog entry so how do I find out what it is?

But never fear, Google is here. We google everything so I did.

And I found answers.

Only problem is: I didn't know how to implement them because I don't know anything about JavaScript!

So I spent two late nights, trying things out, more googling etc but problem still not solved!

About half an hour ago at the time of writing, I finally came across a site with something close to my solution, but the author said "buy my book and I'll tell you how!"

I forked out $12 and bought the book. And it said to go to the Facebook site to generate the link!

Oh great, a waste of money this is.

But wait! He said "Leave the 'URL to Like field' empty so when people will click the button the current page will be liked."


I gave it a try and YES, IT WAS THAT SIMPLE!

Now WHY oh WHY, Facebook, did you not put that piece of important instruction on YOUR page?!?!?!

It would make a lot of sense to tell people that because, most importantly, it is VERY useful to leave that blank so that no matter where you are, the Facebook code will ALWAYS pick up the right page you want to share!


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