Rear Window (1954)
Director | Alfred Hitchcock |
Starring | James Stewart, Grace Kelly |
Supporting actors | Raymond Burr, Thelma Ritter |
Studio | Paramount Studios |
"New York State sentence for a Peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse", said Stella the nurse to Jefferies, the main character in the "Rear Window".
With this movie, through Jefferies, we get to play voyeur on his neighbours and get very excited during the process!
Settle down, it's not that you think.
Did I mention the movie was #42 on theAmerican Film Institute's list of the 100 Greatest Movies, released in 1998. It was #48 when the list was revised in 2008.
This movie is about a man who'd broken his leg, so he's confined to a wheel chair for weeks. He's got nothing better to do but to look out his rear window day in, day out, at his neighbours.
That's certainly fascinating enough especially when he lived in an apartment and had interesting neighbours.
But one, it seemed, was a baddie.
The baddie murdered his wife! Or did he?
Limited Space
This film had no big chase / fight scene with only about 10-20 actors and extras all up. It doesn't go to exotic locations - in fact, it's all shot in the studio on 2 sets.
Heck, the main character doesn't even get up and walk! He sits in a wheelchair all the time! How good a movie can it get?
Well, it's bloody good, I tell ya.
Most of the time, it's Jefferies, Lisa and Stella talking.
Yet, director Alfred Hitchcock managed to keep the audience interested and in suspense for almost 2 hours!
They don't call him the Master of Suspense for nothing!
Jefferies had to convince his girlfriend, Lisa, played by the beautiful Grace Kelly firstly, then the nurse Stella, played by Thelma Ritter.
They first thought his imagination was running wild and he's just too bored. Then Lisa became interested and was quite active (and brave) in helping with the investigation.
The Voyeur
- The newly weds, who didn't "come up for air" for a few days.
- Miss Lonely Heart with her sad life.
- The couple who sleeps on the fire escape.
- The songwriter with his party and ups and downs.
- The unforgettable Miss Torso with her exercise rituals and fighting off potential suitors.
- Miss Hearing Aid with her little dog, and...
- Mr and Mrs Lars Thorwald...where Mrs Thorwald is bedridden for some reason.
There was also a brief appearance of a couple of brunettes at the top of the apartment block sunbathing topless which attracted a helicopter. That's the humour of Hitchcock!
Miss Torso, in her bikini top (or was that a bra) and shorts fulfilled the voyeuristic part in all of us. Her bra popped off (with her back to us) at one point and she bent down to pick it up. How many of my male readers wish you had her as a neighbour?
You may not admit it, but deep down, you do. I'll give you an example:
Years ago, I visited my uncle in his flat. He asked me to tune his TV for him, so I did.
I came across a channel which was the CCTV feed for all the security cameras in his building, e.g. the main entrance, the fire escape, the lifts (elevators for my American readers).
There was no audio feed but for the next couple of hours, we were all fascinated by this channel and watched who came in, who went out, who said hello to the doorman etc. It was fascinating!
I rest my case.
Anyway, back to the movie.
As the suspense intensified, the side stories "fell by the wayside" and we focused more and more on the one neighbour - Mr Lars Thorwald, played sinisterly by Raymond Burr, who four years later had (and was famous for) his TV show, Perry Mason and 10 years later, another famous TV series, Ironside.
He didn't have too many lines to say in the movie but it was what he didn't say that was scary!
He had that wide eyed stare, especially when he was talking on the phone and looking out the window. He gave me the goosebumps!
I will leave how Hitchcock finished the movie for you to find out.
Believe me, it gets very exciting.
Great Actors
This film starred the great James (Jimmy) Stewart, the beautiful Grace Kelly and, because of the show I first knew him from, Raymond Burr.
Raymond Burr was probably best known for being in this movie and the two hit TV series, Perry Mason
and Ironside
. I've never really seen him in anything else but I liked him in both Perry Mason and Ironside. A solid actor.
Grace Kelly, the actress who became a princess, was just like her namesake - graceful and beautiful. She was not just a wall flower but was quite brave to put herself in danger in order to find out the truth, given that her boyfriend was wheelchair bounded. She was Hitchcock's leading lady of choice until her marriage.
James Stewart, one of Hitchcock's leading men. He was versatile and solid performer. He could play comedy, he could play serious and years later, he would play the strong father in another favourite movie of mine - "Shenandoah". He was also a Brigadier General in the United States Air Force Reserve. He is one of my favourite actors.
We all have a bit of voyeur in us. We are always curious about what our neighbours are doing but don't want to appear too nosey.
This movie fulfils that voyeuristic "itch" in us while being a suspenseful thriller.
As they say, "Now that's entertainment!"
Visit for more information about this movie and its stars.
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