Rear Window (1954)
This is a movie about broken leg, wheelchair, long lens, murder, nosey neighbours....and being a peeping tom.
You are invited to be one for about 2 hours.
You like to watch? Watch this.
Psycho (1960)
It's true. Sex sells. It always does.
This movie was released in 1960. The movie poster featured the female star, Janet Leigh, in nothing but a white lacey bra and a half slip.
Very tame by today's standards but it would have to be quite salacious back then.
Censorship was very strict in those days. I'm surprised those poster was allowed to be displayed in public.
If you haven't seen the movie, it's not what you think.
If you have seen the movie, did you know why Janet Leigh wore a white then a black bra? Also, did you know that an "uncut" version exists but only German TV audience had seen it?
Do you know the secrets of "Psycho"?
Read moreCasablanca (1942)
We take a look at "Casablanca", the movie listed 2nd on the American Film Institute's list of the 100 Greatest Movies.
This movie has it all (except perhaps aliens): war, drama, romance, good guys, bad guys, patriotism, love triangle and above all, famous lines (probably more than any other movie).
This is a great movie. In my humble (or maybe not so humble?) opinion, this is one of the greatest movie ever made.
If you haven't seen it, you have to watch it.
If you have, watch it again.
You'll love it!
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