Bevan's Bubble

for a nostalgic byte...


Welcome to Bevan’s Bubble! Not so long ago, while thinking about what I’d enjoy blogging, when suddenly, it came to me: “Why not tell people about old movies?”

With this site, I hope to post regular reviews on “old” movies and “old” TV shows…and anything else that I want to write about.

Why? Because there’s a whole generation of people who haven’t heard of the old classics like “Casablanca”, “Mr Smith Goes To Washington”.

Many people these days know about “Mission Impossible” as the movie franchise but how many remember, let alone know, that “back in the good old days”, it was a hit TV series?

To the “younger” people, I want to introduce you to the “old stuff”.

To the “mature audience”, I hope to remind you how much you’d enjoyed them. Maybe it’ll entice you to watch them again.

Between setting up this site and writing the first review, I came up with more ideas to make things (hopefully) interesting for your visits. So it now includes a pet peeves section and a blog on anything I find handy to share, which I hope you’ll find useful.

A bit about me: I am a movie and TV show buff. I have over 2200 titles in my collection in a wide range of genre. I am also fairly well travelled, loves photography, women, gadgets and all that cool stuff.

Please select a blog topic from the menu above and have a read. I’d be interested to hear your comments.

Enjoy your visit.
Bevan the Webmaster
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